Awards & Bursaries
EUROTOX is delighted to announce the following awards and bursaries for EUROTOX 2025:
The EUROTOX Early Career Award comprises three categories:
EUROTOX Gerhard Zbinden Award (EUR 2,000)
for drug-oriented toxicological research
ECETOC Christa Hennes Award (EUR 2,000)
for toxicological research into mechanisms and risk assessment
Alfonso Lostia Poster Award on Food Safety
The winner will receive 1,000 EUR and a certificate.
The winner may use the remaining 1,000 EUR to cover expenses (hotel, accommodation, transfer, etc.) to attend the successive congress edition (2026 Vienna congress) and the registration fee will be waived.
The winner will receive 1,000 EUR and a certificate.
The winner may use the remaining 1,000 EUR to cover expenses (hotel, accommodation, transfer, etc.) to attend the successive congress edition (2026 Vienna congress) and the registration fee will be waived.
The 200 EUR prize and a certificate will be presented by EUROTOX during the closing ceremony to an early career scientist for research work in the field of Food Safety.
Award Condition for the three EUROTOX Early Career Awards
The first and presenting author must be under 35 years of age as of 31 December 2025.
Four criteria will be considered:
Originality and potential impact of the research project
Adequacy of the methodological approach adopted
Scientific value of the results
Care, quality and clarity of the presentation
An initial selection of finalists will be made by the evaluation panel based on a careful review of the abstracts, with final evaluation taking place at the congress site.
Bursaries will be made available by EUROTOX to support participation in EUROTOX 2025 in Athens, especially for individuals from low and lower-middle-income economies. The registration fee will be compensated fully by EUROTOX plus a fix lump bursary of 500 EUR. The following conditions apply:
The applicant:
- must be a Postgraduate or Early Career professional
- must be within the first 6 years of career, excluding approved career breaks, from the date of obtaining the first degree (non-graduates and undergraduates are not eligible).
- must submit a cover letter with a clear statement of why financial support is required, and a clear explanation of how attendance to the congress fits with his/her academic goal and career plans
- must submit an abstract for the congress within the given deadline
- must commit to personal attendance and presentation of the abstract if accepted for a bursary.
All applicants will be informed about the results of the bursary application by email in the beginning of July 2025.
EUROTOX Speciality Section Awards are available in the following categories:
- ITCASS – Immunotoxicology, Hypersensitivity, Chemical and Food allergies research
- ERASS – Chemical risk assessment research
- Carcinogenesis – Chemical-induced carcinogenesis
- In2Tox – In vitro and/in silico toxicology/research
- Moltox – Mechanistic and molecular toxicology research
Conditions and further information:
- Abstracts may participate in only one Speciality Section award category.
- The first and presenting author must be under 35 years of age as of 31 December 2025.
- Selection will be made based on abstracts fulfilling the award category, scientific excellence, innovation, and clarity of the poster presentation.
- Abstracts short listed will be contacted and invited to present their poster or participate in the final evaluation round.
- The award will be presented at the annual Speciality Section meeting scheduled during the congress.
- The winner will receive a certificate and EUR 500 prize.
- Past winners are not eligible to win in the same award category.

ESTIV (The European Society for Toxicology in vitro) will grant a best poster award, including 500 EUR and 1 year (2025) free ESTIV membership, to a PhD student or young scientist (≤ 35 years old) presenting her/his research work in the field of in vitro or in silico toxicology per poster as first author during the EUROTOX 2025 congress.
The winner will be selected based on scientific excellence, innovation, and clarity of the poster presentation. Eligibility also includes presence during the closing ceremony of the EUROTOX 2025 congress, as the winner will be announced at this occasion.
To apply for the ESTIV Best Poster Award the following documents are required:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Supporting letter from the supervisor or the head of department
- Abstract accepted for poster presentation
- Finalized poster in pdf form
- Proof of student status

ecopa, the European consensus-platform for alternatives, will grant an award of 500 € to the best contribution of a young scientists presenting research on the 3Rs, and more specifically towards New Approach Methods (NAMs) without animal testing.
Applicants should:
- be born in 1994 or later
- be the first author of a contribution submitted to EUROTOX 2025 either as a poster or short oral presentation
- attend the congress in person and present his/her abstract
- submit a Curriculum Vitae during the award application
The selection will consider the originality and the effectiveness of the contribution as well as the commitment in promoting NAMs in the scientific environment. There is no restriction on academic qualification.
Please, submit a Curriculum Vitae during the award application.
Costs linked to participation may prevent students with promising work or young scientists at the beginning of their career from attending international meetings working on the development and acceptance of 3R alternatives to animal testing.
The EPAA partners are therefore happy to sponsor the 3Rs Student grants to facilitate the participation of students and young scientists in such events.
In 2025, a full grants of 1.000€ and a half grant of 500€ are available for EUROTOX 2025.
The grants cover the reimbursement of the event registration fees for the student/young scientist as well as travel and accommodation fees, on the basis of the expense receipts. The payment will be made after the event.

Please find the further information on eligibility criteria, application and selection process here:
EUROTOX Early Career Awards / EUROTOX Travel Bursaries / Speciality Section Awards
Applications for the mentioned EUROTOX Early Career Awards, the EUROTOX Travel Bursaries and the Speciality Section Awards are only possible during the abstract submission process.
After you have submitted your final abstract, you can complete your award application on the abstract platform under the menu item “Your award application”. The deadline for award application is on 31 March 2025.
If the abstract is selected as “Short Oral Communication”, the possible applications for a poster award (Alfonso Lostia Award) will not be considered.
The winners will be selected by an evaluation panel and will be announced during the closing ceremony (except for Speciality Section Awards).
All awards and bursaries will only be paid out if the participant attends the on-site congress. Payment will be made after the congress by bank transfer.
EPAA 3Rs Student grants
Applications for the EPAA 3Rs Student grants must be sent to EPAA functional mailbox until 17 June 2024.