Sponsorship & Exhibition

With it’s large international audience, EUROTOX congresses are always a great platform for companies to showcase their services and products as well as to foster new and long-lasting business relations.
Companies may choose from the various sponsorship options and participate in the exhibition to gain visibility at the congress.
Use EUROTOX 2025 to present yourself, your cause, products and services to the toxicology community!
Sponsorship & Exhibition Options
All sponsorship and exhibition opportunities are described in detail below. Sponsorship packages may be created in a “mix-and-match”-way. Based on the final amount of support, sponsors will be assigned to a sponsorship level. Please note that companies who solely participate in the exhibition will not be listed as sponsors.
All sponsors and exhibitors will be listed on the congress website and in the congress app with name, profile, logo and website link and receive complimentary registrations according to the sponsorship level and booked exhibition package.
To become an industry partner of EUROTOX 2025, please fill in the online application form. Once submitted, you will receive further information from the congress organisation.
After the deadline, all sponsorship items and exhibition spaces will be allocated to hitherto applied industry partners according to sponsorship level and application date. Afterwards, sponsorship items and exhibition spaces may be booked based on availability (first come, first serve).
Applied industry partners will receive registration information shortly after the deadline to allow abstract submission in time before that deadline.
*All sponsorship and exhibition costs are collected from the Congress Secretariat K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden by order and for account of the congress host, the Federation of European Toxicologists and European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX), registered in Switzerland under No. CHE-107.598.929. VAT may be applied.
Hover over the single options below to see more details. Only available options are displayed.
Sponsorship Options
Industry Hosted Session (4,000 €)
Organisation of industry hosted session to showcase new technologies or products to a large number of delegates
- time frame: 60 min (max. 4 in parallel)
- embedding in official congress programme + display in online programme
- incl. session room with basic AV + technical support
- scientific content and speaker selection up to the sponsor
- subject to approval by the Scientific Programme Committee
- catering in room may be ordered separately + at extra cost
- registration of speakers is not included
Scientific Session (≥ 3,000 €)
Support session from scientific programme
- subject to approval of the Scientific Programme Committee and session organisers
- scientific content and selection of speakers up to the symposium organisers
- sponsor acknowledgement in line with chosen session in online programme and by session chair in beginning of session
- premium only: possibility to play 1-min video clip in beginning of session
Price: 3,000 € (basic) | 4,000 € (premium)
Coffee / Lunch Break
Support of coffee / lunch break
- display of roll-ups and promotion material in catering area
- basic: non-exclusive sponsorship of fixed amount (max. two sponsors)
- premium: exclusive sponsorship to cover majority of reception costs
Price: upon request
Welcome Reception
Support of Welcome Reception - networking event for all registered participants
- display of roll-ups and promotion material in reception area
- basic: non-exclusive sponsorship of fixed amount (max. two sponsors)
- premium: exclusive sponsorship to cover majority of reception costs
Price: upon request
E-Poster Terminals Branding (1,750 €)
Branding of e-poster terminals
- e-poster terminals are highly frequented at the congress
- sponsor logo to be displayed on e-poster terminals
Poster Boards Branding (1,750 €)
Branding of poster boards
- poster exhibition is an important and highly frequented part of congress
- sponsor logo to be included in poster boards signage
Speaker Ready Room Branding (1,100 €)
Branding of speaker ready room
- all speakers hand in / edit presentations in speaker ready room
- sponsor logo to be included in speaker ready room signage and as screensaver on working stations
- mouse pads may be provided (at sponsor's production/delivery costs)
Congress WiFi Network (4,500 €)
Sponsorship of WiFi Network accessible for all registered delegates
- sponsor may brand WiFi configuration (name and password), in consultation with the congress organiser
- if available, WiFi landing page to be branded with sponsor logo
- sponsor logo to be included in WiFi information in all congress material
Congress App (4,500 €)
Sponsorship of congress app accessible for all registered delegates
- acknowledgement of sponsor on a splash-screen when delegates open the app
- sponsor is allowed to distribute an advertisement in the congress app (basic option) -> see corresponding sponsorship item
- sponsor logo to be included in congress app information in all congress material
Advertisement in Congress App (≥ 1,100 €)
Advertisement distributed in congress app
- promotion of products, booth announcements etc. to be distributed in congress app, used by registered delegates, on chosen day of sponsorhip
- date and time of distribution to be agreed with congress organisers
- advertisement content is subject to approval by congress organisers
- basic: in-app message (static content with text and links)
- premium: splash screen (display 3 to 5sec), automatically displayed when delegates open specific page in app
Price: 1,100 € (basic) | 1,500 € (premium)
Promotion during Breaks (≥ 1,100 €)
Promotional slide embedded in programme break slides
- sponsor slide to be included in slide show with organisational information which runs in loop during programme breaks
- display time per slide ~ 10sec
- content of slides is subject to approval by the congress organisers
- basic: promotional slide with static content
- premium: promotional slide with video clip (max. 30sec)
Price: 1,100 € (basic) | 1,500 € (premium)
Email Blast (≥ 1,100 €)
Email blast to registered delegates
- sponsor to create promotional text to be sent to all registered delegates by the congress organisers
- mailing only sent to delegates who willingly agreed to receive sponsor promotion mailings
- mailing date to be agreed upon with the congress organisers
- mailing content is subject to approval by the congress organisers / Scientific Programme Committee / Local Organising Committee
- basic: inclusion of sponsor's logo + text (max. 100 words) in final participant mailing (limited to two sponsors)
- premium: exclusive mailing with sponsor content, provided html-file a week prior to scheduled mailing date
Price: 1,100 € (basic) | 2,000 € (premium)
Badge Lanyards (1,750 €)
Sponsorship of badge lanyards, given to every registered delegate
- sponsor provides lanyards for name badges, given to every registered delegate upon arrival
- sponsor produces and sends lanyards to congress venue at own cost
- lanyard layout is subject to approval by congress organisers
- quantity to be communicated by congress organisers
Note Pads / Pens (≥ 1,000 €)
Sponsorship of note pads and / or pens, distributed to delegates
- sponsor provides note pads and / or pens, distributed to delegates at registration desk
- sponsor produces and sends note pads / pens to congress venue at own cost
- note pads / pen layout is subject to approval by congress organisers
- quantity to be communicated by congress organisers
Price: 1,000 € (each) | 1,750 € (both)
Goodies at Registration Desk (1,750 €)
Sponsorship of goodies at registration desk
- goodies (candy, snack...) to be available at registration desk for registered delegates
- sponsor produces and sends goodies to congress venue at own cost
- quantity to be communicated by congress organisers
Reusable Cups / Bottles (1,750 €)
Sponsorship of reusable cups for water dispensers to support sustainability
- water dispensers for delegates are available in the congress venue
- sponsor provides reusable cups, distributed to delegates
- sponsor produces and sends cups to congress venue at own cost
- cup layout is subject to approval by congress organisers
- quantity to be communicated by congress organisers
Exhibition Options
Shell Scheme Booth, 6 m² (4,150 €)
Shell Scheme Booth, 6 m² (3 x 2 m), including:
- Carpeted space (grey)
- Octa norm wall panels (side and back walls, corner booths with two open sides)
- Fascia board with company name (max. 30 letters)
- 1 table and 2 upholstered chairs
- Electrical connection 3KWh (1 single phase 230V) with 1x 3-way socket
- 1 complimentary congress registration
Shell Scheme Booth, 9 m² (6,150 €)
Shell Scheme Booth, 9 m² (3 x 3 m), including:
- Carpeted space (grey)
- Octa norm wall panels (side and back walls, corner booths with two open sides)
- Fascia board with company name (max. 30 letters)
- 1 table and 2 upholstered chairs
- Electrical connection 3KWh (1 single phase 230V) with 1x 3-way socket
- 2 complimentary congress registrations
Space Only Booth, 6 m² (3,300 €)
Space Only Booth, 6 m² (3 x 2 m), including:
- Electrical connection 3KWh (1 single phase 230V) with 1x 3-way socket
- 1 complimentary congress registration
Space Only Booth, 9 m² (4,900 €)
Space Only Booth, 9 m² (3 x 3 m), including:
- Electrical connection 3KWh (1 single phase 230V) with 1x 3-way socket
- 1 complimentary congress registrations
The preliminary floor plan will be available soon. Already applied exhibitors will then be contacted to indicate their preferred booth location. Booth locations will be assigned according to sponsorship levels and application dates (first come, first serve). Kindly note that although the preferences will be considered in the booth allocation, they are not guaranteed choices.
Sponsorship Levels
Platinum Sponsor (≥ 20,000 € contribution)
Platinum Sponsor
- 3 additional congress registrations
- 1st priority choice of sponsorship items / booth locationas
- prominent listing as "Platinum Sponsor" in all congress material
- not applied if solely exhibition space is booked
Gold Sponsor (≥ 15,000 € contribution)
Gold Sponsor
- 2 additional congress registrations
- 2nd priority choice of sponsorship items / booth locations
- prominent listing as "Gold Sponsor" in all congress material
- not applied if solely exhibition space is booked
Silver Sponsor (≥ 8,000 € contribution)
Silver Sponsor
- 1 additional congress registrations
- 3rd priority choice of sponsorship items / booth locations
- prominent listing as "Silver Sponsor" in all congress material
- not applied if solely exhibition space is booked
Bronze Sponsor (≥ 5,000 € contribution)
Bronze Sponsor
- 4th priority choice of sponsorship items / booth locations
- prominent listing as "Bronze Sponsor" in all congress material
- not applied if solely exhibition space is booked
Sponsor (no minimum contribution)
- prominent listing as "Sponsor" in all congress material
- not applied if solely exhibition space is booked
Questions or Special Requests?
In case of any questions or special requests, please do not hesitate to contact us:
EUROTOX 2025 Congress Organisation
c/o K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
Bautzner Str. 117-119
01099 Dresden, Germany
Sponsorship & Exhibition
- Anja Zeun
- industry@eurotox-congress.com